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Showing posts from 2017

The year is new!

Another year rolled out, and you are still fidgeting with your dreams, aren't you? Life changes year after year. Some disappointments you faced, some challenges you dealt with and you even achieved small goals. But, you aren't proud of yourself, all because "IT'S NOT THE LIFE YOU WANTED", eh? Life is what is happening to you, right now. Even if you like it or not. If you have to change something, step up. If you want to be happy, embrace the niceness that is already around you. How long would you keep fighting with yourself, for the chances you didn't take, for the mistakes you made? STOP. Take a deep breath. Be proud of what you have. Proud of what you did. Give a last look at the year you lived. Embrace the realizations you had. If there is a decision to make, listen to your gut feeling. You ALWAYS know what is best for you. It's only self-doubt and fear that keeps you away from doing things that you want. The best advice somebody gav...


When I was young, Oh, when I was young... Everything was so much fun. Had no dreams, had no pun, but oh, it was so much fun. The hugs from mama, learning skates, learning to ride a bicycle and the dance with papa. The fights with di and the games too.. Telling on her to mom and dad, and the midnight stories too.. No cellphone, no wifi, Even the cable was out, Had a playground, had a school, and there was plenty happiness, no doubt There were friends, who brought plenty smiles Them, I still dream of, After the closing of blinds... And now, Oh its still good,, With the new world around.. but the old days, I will always miss their sound.

Suppressing emotions.

How long can one suppress their emotions? A day? A week? A month? It is hard  opening up and letting your vulnerable side out to others. It is insane to keep quiet for the sake of mental peace of someone else so much that your own head stops working. And then one day, the tears come rolling out. Everything in your life seems a blur. A mistake that you can’t solve. Suppressing your feelings might make you feel okay for some time, but they are going to get out eventually. They only grow the more you keep it in. Like a volcano. It is going to burst and burn everything around you. You have problems? Well, face it. Find a solution, no matter what. Talk to the ones that you have to talk to. Don’t just sleep over it every time. Have a spine. Don’t you respect yourself? How long would you hurt yourself by not facing things around you? One day, you will stop enjoying reading those books that you escape in. You will stop watching TV shows that distract you. That is called depress...

Feeling hopeless, is not the End.

After writing five drafts in the last few months, I have decided that I will post whatever I write in this one. Because, you might be the only person who is reading this blog anyway. I have been quite tense about my social skills that have hit a new low. Living in a foreign country and not finding anyone to talk to was one thing, but not wanting to talk to anyone I know and hating everyone active on facebook is a pretty weird level. I won't say I am worried about it, but I do think about it a lot. Unless, I am watching TV shows and writing articles which clearly are not bringing me any closer to me having good "creative" ideas for a book.  I haven't read a book in so long because I was busy making friends with Lannisters and Starks. (GoT, in case you don't know.) But when I am busy doing laundry, wiping the floor ten times a day because I have developed obsessive cleaning disorder out of living alone for the most part of the day, and when I try to sleep...

Why Solo Travel might be Overrated

There are people who claim to love travelling alone. They claim that it helps them know themselves "better" and have some me-time. But, I live in a city where I face language barrier and have to spend a lot of time alone. Thus, when it comes to travelling, I doubt if I would ever want to go to another place far away and wish to do the same. Roam around alone with no one to giggle with. It is hard to accept that you don't enjoy me-time, as other people have this opinion that "intelligent" people would always love to do the same. There are billion intelligent, shit-crazy thoughts that pass through their mind when they are travelling and they can manage everything all by themselves. Why would you want to spend time alone, when you rarely get to enjoy a family time? Where is the world taking you? When you are out there on the beach all by yourself, won't you miss your funny friend who makes you giggle all the time? Won't you want to be with a partner ...

Be a little selfish.

Writing about something that is too close to your heart, isn't always easy. You always have the risk of being exposed. You always wonder what would people think if they read it and know its me? But the real touch, comes with being vulnerable. It comes with being true to your heart and writing whatever it is that you want to, no matter how crazy or how heart-breaking it is. The music of my fingers tapping on the keys, is what I love. The pleasure that comes with releasing those emotions on a blank page is what might be the most satisfying feeling in the world.  But then, we all are a little too afraid, aren't we? it takes time to lose all the little fears and insecurities that you have in you. But, soon you shall be able to if you develop more courage. Know that you must live for yourself and not for others. Know that you need to do what your heart wants without considering how others might feel or say. Yes, you must be sensitive to the world, but not at the cost of you...

It's not about who you are, it's about what you do, Right?? Err..

While we all struggle to be someone "good enough" for the world to notice, I doubt if that's the agenda we should stick to. We want good jobs, then we want better pay checks, then we want higher posts and so and so. Jeer it up for The Mask Are we ever satisfied in what we currently do? Don't we always have the feeling that we are not where we should be? We don't care if we are loving and empathetic souls, hell, we want to be clever enough to achieve a good rank. After all, people don't succeed these days if they are too innocent. I remember reading the poem  The_Frog_and_the_Nightingale  by Vikram Seth in high school and thinking, damn, the poem says some brutal truth. We have a habit of pitying ourselves, no matter where we stand. There are always people in worse situations than us, but we keep comparing to those who "seem" better off. Well, it is good to have a dream. But is it good to exhaust yourself with that insatiable feeling? We don...

You can't pass off as 18 anymore, can you?

Woh! I had one hefty weekend with my friend, who I was able to enjoy with after almost three years! Yeah, we met in between the years but it was either for only a few hours or something was upsetting about our life. Well, but this time around we had immense fun. We went out partying, and the next day to the campus where we spent all our time together few years ago, and realized how far we have come. We are two changed individuals, knowing how to carry ourselves in a better way than what we did in college. We can't pass of as 18 anymore, where we had a billion insecurities about ourselves and no clue where our life will go. We never thought much about ourselves and now we have a self-esteem which can't go wrong. Then. (2011) Now. (2017) Do we really look any different? Yet we are! The tattoo talks, the hair color talks and the talks about getting another piercing were not what we talked about "all the time".I was just checking out an article regarding t...

One moon.

"Dear John" This movie had the idea about one moon and it was beautiful. It is one thing indeed which we share with everyone. Everyone that has been a part of our life, everyone that we have loved and lost, everyone that we love. No matter how near or far, these people look at the same moon which we look at. It's one thing we all share.

It's a Blank.

My dog is chewing my laptop screen. I am tapping on the keys. I have my Skype logged in. My google drive has a few unfinished links. I am wondering about my novel. I am waiting for a call from my spouse and I'm mad. I am wearing his sweat shirt because it's cozy and I miss him. I am planning to block an annoying friend on Whatsapp. I am also planning to give extra classes to few kids at a school for free. I can't stop thinking about the hookah I had last night. I can't stop being envious of all the couples who were there celebrating "valentine's day" together. I also want to wear the pair of heels I just bought. My dog is now tired of chewing the screen and has fallen asleep. I had sketched a very colorful butterfly two days ago. It didn't look beautiful because I suck at it. I just had a few chicken kababs. One of my friend wants me to do food blogging. I only want to eat food and not write about it. Somebody just knocked at the gat...

Anxiety... or is it dissatisfaction?

"Anxiety" might be a commonly used term to describe the state of restlessness. These days it seems like no one is "peaceful" anymore. When I met my college friend after a long time, I recalled who I used to be. Our view used to be the same and those were of being "satisfied" with whatever you have. It was about being happy in the moment for all that exists. But as time has passed by and new dreams and goals have developed, I seem to have lost a calmness in my heart. I might smile and be polite, but inside there is a havoc, I feel. A dire need to achieve something golden or to get recognized for a good work. Today, while I was writing an article for a website, I realized maybe it isn't about reaching your goals, but more about working on your skills to achieve those. When everyone says that you need to promote your talents, we forget that we need to improve them as well. Practice might not be enough, if we aren't paying detailed attention to it...

Did you ever feel you have no opinion?

When it comes to politics, I pretty much go by what there is on social media. If people are saying Donald Trump is no good, I believe it after seeing the obvious reasons, but when a strange friend who says he was better than Hillary Clinton for so and so reason, I go blank and have nothing to say about why he was not. (Strange fact is, that friend was Mexican and she might have changed her opinion now, eh?) And when I know the pros and cons, like our great Mahatma Gandhi and Bhagat Singh, I have no idea which side to take. Hence, when in a conversation, I might have a little knowledge about topics but can't be adamant on my views. I take this as a biggest personality flaw. I mean, I am sick of being a polite and sweet kinda person, instead of a smart and intellectual one. Is it because I have no serious interests in world knowledge? To overcome the dilemma, I decided to go to the very best friend "google" and actually read "How to form opinions". (Yes, I ...