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Why Solo Travel might be Overrated

There are people who claim to love travelling alone. They claim that it helps them know themselves "better" and have some me-time.
But, I live in a city where I face language barrier and have to spend a lot of time alone. Thus, when it comes to travelling, I doubt if I would ever want to go to another place far away and wish to do the same. Roam around alone with no one to giggle with.
It is hard to accept that you don't enjoy me-time, as other people have this opinion that "intelligent" people would always love to do the same. There are billion intelligent, shit-crazy thoughts that pass through their mind when they are travelling and they can manage everything all by themselves.

Why would you want to spend time alone, when you rarely get to enjoy a family time? Where is the world taking you? When you are out there on the beach all by yourself, won't you miss your funny friend who makes you giggle all the time? Won't you want to be with a partner when you see a couple tossing each other in the water? What thought would cross your mind when you see a one year old kid swimming with their parents?

So I think dude, if you want to spend some me time, you better not waste your savings on the travel. you aren'
t going to another city to talk to a random stranger and spend time with those who you barely know as they could be annoying as well. Not all conversations are exciting in real world.

Stop with the blogs already and go enjoy family time!


  1. Quite an interesting perspective ! True, it could be overrated but for some I guess, it is still a “ get away from your mundane life “ card ! I, for one, always travelled solo, to my hometown ! That gave me both:- the solo time and the family time too !

    1. Yes. Although, I was not referring to just the airplane/train travel, but those who decide to a have an entire vacation by themselves. Although, yes it might be a nice break from regular life. :) If you can't decide to go with friends, better go alone, eh?

  2. I travel alone, not to discover myself, but to discover others.


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