Time. It has abilities to move mountains. Literally. You know about the Tectonic Motion, right? And it also has the ability to make things happen. Life isn't so complicated after all. It keeps evolving, day by day. Your thoughts change, your beliefs become stronger and life goes on. Every day, we learn a little more about us. The bad. The good. The worst. The best. There are a few realizations I have come across: 1. We MUST be Strong enough to face our fears. It is the only thing that holds us back - even mentally. Heard this before? The Old Gyaan? Facing fears is all about doing the thing you think you cannot do. It could range from some situational changes to starting up studies to learning artistry. Whatever it is that you have given up on because you are too afraid. Why hold back? You have a world in front of you. Whatever happens, will also run its own timeline and bring you towards light. Believe in that. Believe that whatever you do, you will be okay in the end. R...
With a Sweet Punch..