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The Significance of One month

What all can happen in one month?
There are few things in my life, which I did for a very short duration of time. One was "National School of Drama", a camp I had joined when I was in 5th grade! and I Still remember bits and pieces of it. I had overcome the loss of those special friends I met (one of those, who I met coincidentally in metro). It was depressing for so many years. I was like, Whyyy ? Why do we meet people who are not supposed to stay in our lives forever??!! and the most recent experience was now, my first job. It does not matter how much developed the company was or was not, but the people there were those who I had to meet!! No wonder, a job brings back your self-respect, security and confidence, but being so lucky to find just the people you need is exceptional!!
I have said it all times that unexpected things happen at unexpected times. You never know what good time awaits you in future! 
The people I met in the office i.e. my team, was the company I was destined to encounter in this walk of life. They made me grow a bit emotionally on a higher level within one month. And, to my amazement, even being elder they were a lot like me.
It is said that the people who have an impact on our life somehow play a significant role. They guided me not just on the living style, but also on a psychological level. They were my mentors and I feel like am much happier and so much closer to my goal.
"Mera mann nahi bhara hai is jagah se" I kept saying, but its just that I have to go. I have to be where I am supposed to. I have to be where I am complete. I have to be where my future is.. and I can't wait to be there...


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That Overused Term.

Ever think of love? What are the chances that a person could fall in love madly and deeply, to the extent that it consumes them? 10 times? Or maybe only once? They say those who do not seek it, those who do not fight for it, might not even find it. They may spend their entire lives, either hung over someone who they loved and lost, or settle for someone they do not even love. Under societal pressures or because of their own loneliness? But people have felt that emotion throughout history. Some find it in separation, which is also known to be the strongest of all the loves that exist. The dire need to look at someone and feel alive. The missing that is so powerful that it overtakes your mind and body. In the times of quarantine, the strings of your own heart can very well be understood. It is all peaceful out and there is a certain deafening silence. It could make you hear your soul, for you have nowhere to escape. Immerse yourself in books and movies as much as you want, but


When I was young, Oh, when I was young... Everything was so much fun. Had no dreams, had no pun, but oh, it was so much fun. The hugs from mama, learning skates, learning to ride a bicycle and the dance with papa. The fights with di and the games too.. Telling on her to mom and dad, and the midnight stories too.. No cellphone, no wifi, Even the cable was out, Had a playground, had a school, and there was plenty happiness, no doubt There were friends, who brought plenty smiles Them, I still dream of, After the closing of blinds... And now, Oh its still good,, With the new world around.. but the old days, I will always miss their sound.

You can't pass off as 18 anymore, can you?

Woh! I had one hefty weekend with my friend, who I was able to enjoy with after almost three years! Yeah, we met in between the years but it was either for only a few hours or something was upsetting about our life. Well, but this time around we had immense fun. We went out partying, and the next day to the campus where we spent all our time together few years ago, and realized how far we have come. We are two changed individuals, knowing how to carry ourselves in a better way than what we did in college. We can't pass of as 18 anymore, where we had a billion insecurities about ourselves and no clue where our life will go. We never thought much about ourselves and now we have a self-esteem which can't go wrong. Then. (2011) Now. (2017) Do we really look any different? Yet we are! The tattoo talks, the hair color talks and the talks about getting another piercing were not what we talked about "all the time".I was just checking out an article regarding t