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Pushing Boundaries.

When you are closer to achieving, a far-sighted dream - why does the fear engulf you?
I guess, the fear is a good sign. The thrill, the adrenaline tells us that we are pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone. Once fear strikes, doesn't mean that we stop. Always. It only suggests that we choose wisely. Think deep into the situation before hopping on a decision.

There is nothing in the world you cannot do.
You must dare to achieve what the world thinks you cannot do.
You should push yourself to do the things you think you cannot do.

What are these quotes for, by the way?
As I sit here mongering on the brochures of various colleges and stressing over picking the right one in the right city - I fear. I fear to lose out on my comfortable life, working with one of the best MNCs.Would I be able to do online shopping for the next 2 years? hah! Would I get boost in salary that I expect after my studies? Would I even get a job? What if I lose out on the amazing friends I met here in Delhi? Would I.. what if. and what not.

Should I? Should I leave for the city that has always been in the corner of my mind - Pune? Or should I leave for the one where my friends are - Bangalore? What If I end up in the city where no one I know lives - Hyderabad?

I wish to leave Delhi though. The irritating pollution and the fashion conscious people who think "That" is everything, eh.
Oh, Next year. I fear your arrival for this year was pretty much amazing. But who am I to stop the Time.


  1. Quite inspiring. Agreeable because this is the truth of writer's lyf. Thank You for sharing this piece of your lyf.


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